The TUYA approach as a personalization strategy for online education

Informe de cátedra de Familia y tecnología 2021

Keywords: online lerarning, ubiquitous learning, personalization, self-regulation, skill-based education


This report is a summary of the experiences and insights gathered across 2021 within the Family and Technology course at Austral University in Argentina. Students take this course during the third year of their Family Counseling bachelor’s degree program. Attendance is carried out remotely, through the university’s virtual campus in the Moodle 3.9 learning platform. Course load is 60 hours a month.  

At the center of it all is the TUYA approach, a Spanish acronym meaning: “Ubiquitous and self-regulated trajectories.” This approach is novel and disruptive, countering the typical alternatives usually found in online educational spaces. The goal is to promote students’ self-regulation skills, bringing them closer to the subject matter and the course’s specific contents by considering their own, particular interests. Students’ own time-management is one of the central tenets of this approach. And to make this possible, students are granted ubiquitous access, both to the campus and to the dynamics of the virtual classroom itself.  

This experience has led to important insights, both for students and faculty. These can be derived from students’ own coursework as well as the thinking processes promoted during the course and reinforced at the very end. 


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How to Cite
Castro-Sánchez, M. (2021). The TUYA approach as a personalization strategy for online education : Informe de cátedra de Familia y tecnología 2021. Austral Comunicación, 10(2), e9-e23.
Academic reports