Audience behaviour and multiplatform strategies

The path towards connected TV in Spain

  • Mercedes Medina Universidad de Navarra, España
  • Mónica Herrero Universidad de Navarra, España
  • Enrique Guerrero Universidad de Navarra, España
Keywords: multiplatform, connected television, audience consumption


The convergence of television and the internet is profoundly changing the audio-visual market. Connected TV is offered through a wide range of internet-enabled devices. Taking audience perspective into account, the aim of this article is to describe television companies’ strategies for their multiplatform portfolios and the impact that this new context has on traditional pay television companies. The main data sources are professional reports, case studies, and an original online survey carried out in Spain.


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How to Cite
Medina, M., Herrero, M., & Guerrero, E. (2015). Audience behaviour and multiplatform strategies: The path towards connected TV in Spain. Austral Comunicación, 4(1), 153-172. Retrieved from