One computer per student at the elementary school level in the city of Buenos Aires
An analysis of the methodologies of implementation with the 1 to 1 Model
With the incorporation of the 1 to 1 Model at the elementary public school level in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, certain educational paradigms have changed. The inclusion of information and communications technology (ICT) in the school curriculum was favored by the introduction of laptops with internet connections, enjoyed by all students and their teachers. Although the new educational proposals open up possibilities for regular classes, they also present new challenges that teachers must face when they plan and conduct their classes. The present article provides a state of the question, analyzing some antecedents of the 1 to 1 Model at the international and national levels, placing an emphasis on the analysis of the Plan Sarmiento BA, implemented since 2011 in the city of Buenos Aires. A few terms will be conceptualized, such as information society, digital gap, and cyberculture, looking to understand the present moment through the social tensions linked to these concepts. Students and teachers will be characterized by probing the methodologies used to plan and implement classes with the inclusion of ICT. Finally, pending challenges and possible lines of action will be projected, so as to promote pedagogic innovation in classrooms.
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