From the radio to the podcast
Typologies, structural dimension, genres and formats in the production of podcasts from the main Argentine radios
In the contemporary media ecosystem, traditional radio is going through an unprecedented process in its history in which it no longer has a monopoly on the production and distribution of audio content. Therefore, for more than a decade, the radio began to explore expansion alternatives in the universe of cyberspace, which translates into the emergence of cyber radios, podcasting, the use of social media networks, among other alternatives.
Within the framework of these transformations in full swing, this research work focuses on podcasting produced exclusively by traditional radio stations. The general objective of the work is to characterize and analyze the podcast offer of the main AM radio stations in Argentina, in the first semester of 2022. A diagnosis was made guided by various specific objectives: to characterize the types of podcasts produced by the stations studied, characterize the structural dimension of podcasts and differentiate genres and sound discursive formats in the native podcasts produced by the radio stations studied. It is considered that the scope of these objectives managed to build a current x-ray of the conception and production strategies that radio stations grant to the podcast as a format for expanding radio discourse. Among other aspects, it was possible to show that the largest volume of podcast production is mainly associated with products subordinated to broadcasting content. The volume of podcast production is not directly related to the stations with the largest audience and Argentine public radio is positioned as the station that bet the most on podcast production. Finally, the production of native online podcasts by radio stations is incipient, but at the same time promising in relation to the high quality of the editions and the professional approach of the contents of the existing podcasts to date.
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