Rail transport as an element of communication and the articulation of territory
An analysis of advertising campaigns
Advertising plays a key role in how we understand territory, especially in a modern society that is constantly incentivized to consume certain products. This is not only reflected in communications media but also throughout our culture, since advertising contributes to the construction of collective imaginaries around the use or acquisition of products. In this paper, we will be analyzing how this construction has developed in the case of rail transport — and what message is being communicated through it. We will also look at how territory is perceived as both a physical component and inherent feature of this mode of transportation. Regarding the relationship between rail transport and territory, advertising communications have evolved in both form and content as improvements and changes were applied to rail infrastructure in Spain, especially following the inauguration of a high-speed rail service. This article offers a diachronic analysis, reviewing advertising campaigns launched by Renfe (the Spanish National Railway Network) and, in particular, looking at references to the territory and society as a whole, tracking how the treatment of these topics has changed.
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