Augmented literacies

Production, self-expression, and collaboration in digital culture

Keywords: digital literacy, transmedia literacy, augmented literacies, media competences, digital culture, hybrid environments


The global health crisis has affected every area of social life. And it renewed the debate on what competences and skills people need to thrive in environments where digitalization and digital media platforms are the norm. Among the key abilities required to take advantage of our post-pandemic moment, we can mention: knowing how to effectively search for, find, and reinterpret information; mastering audiovisual language and digital resources; and taking risks to redefine old and new insights. In the following article, we review the most important concepts and contrasts regarding traditional, media, and transmedia literacy. We then focus on the category of augmented literacies, a term we propose to understand the nature and texture of the skills and know-how required to interact, build knowledge, and express oneself in our new digital and hybrid environments. We will not simply enumerate abilities. Rather, we will approach diverse skills (of the media, civic, expressive, ludic, or narrative variety, among others) from broad perspectives that consider the dynamism and complexity of our new context. We propose a divergent bibliography to reach new conceptualizations, which in turn can outline the theoretical-practical field of an ongoing investigation. 


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How to Cite
Ferrarelli, M. (2021). Augmented literacies: Production, self-expression, and collaboration in digital culture. Austral Comunicación, 10(2), 395-411.
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