The curriculum vitae in Argentina’s 2015 presidential campaign
Analyzing the narratives around the educational and professional careers of candidates Mauricio Macri and Daniel Scioli
Lately, political communication has incorporated “biographical narratives” into its arsenal of strategies. These are discursive tools used by political leaders to explain their identities and narrate their personal stories. For this investigation, we looked at a specific type of biographical narrative: the curriculum vitae, which we understand as a collection of narratives about someone’s education and professional career. Via a case study methodology, and utilizing the tools of discourse analysis, we looked at the personal stories told by candidates Mauricio Macri and Daniel Scioli during Argentina’s 2015 presidential campaign. What academic titles and job positions did they highlight? How and why did they highlight them? Among other insights, we found that Macri emphasized his university studies, while Scioli preferred to talk about his high school years. As for their professional experiences, both prioritized their sports backgrounds: Scioli as a motorboat pilot and Macri as the president of the Boca Juniors athletic club. Our analysis demonstrates how both candidates used their curriculum vitae as part of their campaign strategies, selecting certain elements from their educational and professional careers, while omitting or minimizing others. In designing these biographical strategies, they both employed what we might call an “outsider rhetoric”.
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