Antecedents and bases of framing theory in communication
In recent years, framing theory has occupied a special place in communication studies. Nevertheless, its conceptual basis can be found outside the field, especially in three areas of interpretative sociology: symbolic interactionism, phenomenology, and ethnomethodology, the preoccupations of which tend toward the social construction of reality and the production of meaning in communicative interaction and exchange. The present work attempts to explore these theoretical bases and delve into the first applications of the term frame, which was born in the psychology of Gregory Bateson as a mental concept, and which was later taken up by the sociologist Erving Goffman, who provided its social dimension. Studies about social movements and communication are the heirs of this perspective. The objective, then, is to offer some clues to think about the later development of framing in media analysis, where there is still no consensus about the object of study in framing theory, which tends to be closely linked to the theory of agenda setting.
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