The ethics gap

Why Germans have little esteem and no trust in journalists

  • Wolfgang Donsbach Universidad Técnica de Berlín, Alemania
  • Mathias Rentsch Universidad Técnica de Berlín, Alemania
  • Anna-Maria Mende Universidad Técnica de Berlín, Alemania
Keywords: journalists, Germany, ethics, public perception, politics


In most democracies, the public reputation of journalists is on the decline. However, other than with attitudes towards parties and politicians, the concrete cognitive map that people have of journalists has received rather little attention. This paper describes the results of a representative telephone survey of the German population (N=1,054) that was designed to explore the public’s perception of journalism. The paper contains a first analysis of these data. Our results confirm a rather negative public reputation of journalists, particularly concerning the profession’s trustworthiness and here especially among the younger population. While two thirds of respondents have esteem for journalists, only a third trust journalists. We further found large gaps between the public’s expectations and the public’s perceptions of journalistic goals and values, characteristics of news content, as well as journalists’ behavior in ethical dilemmas. In the final part of the paper we test the effects of some of these variables on trust and esteem. Our work is based on the assumption that the relationship between the people and the press deserves more research because a functioning relationship between both actors is the basis for a functioning democracy.


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How to Cite
Donsbach, W., Rentsch, M., & Mende, A.-M. (2013). The ethics gap: Why Germans have little esteem and no trust in journalists. Austral Comunicación, 1(2), 155-187.