Changes and continuities

The investigative agenda of political communication in Latin America

  • Silvio Waisbord George Washington University, United States
Keywords: political communication, mediatization, media patrimonialism, commercialism, social movements


This article intends to indentify and analyze key subjects in the contemporary investigation of political communication in Latin America. The premise of this analysis is that the study of media and political processes in Latin America helps to understand the contributions of regional studies to the rest of the field. Although the role of regional studies has been extensively debated in politics and in comparative sociology (Bates, 1997; Hall & Tarrow, 1998), it still has not been sufficiently discussed either in political communication or in the field of communication. This is especially surprising considering the great number of studies dedicated to international topics as well as the predominance of globalization debates within the field of communication during the last two years. Upon this foundation, the analysis is organized around three themes central to current investigations about the region: the mediatization of politics, the challenges faced by media democracy, and the links between media, civic participation, and political conflict.


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How to Cite
Waisbord, S. (2013). Changes and continuities: The investigative agenda of political communication in Latin America. Austral Comunicación, 2(1), 105-131.
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