Cardboard keyboards

Technologies, identity, and communication between young students at the ENOMISAR school in Mitú, Vaupés, within Colombia’s Amazon region

  • Jaili Ivinai Buelvas Diaz Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • María Sirex Consuegra Díaz-Granados Universidad Simón Bolívar
  • David Felipe Henao Heuta Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Juliana López Cuervo Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • John Jairo Osorio Giraldo Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Laura Daniela Pardo Castellanos FLACSO - Ecuador
  • Camila Peña Gómez Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Keywords: internet, indigenous youth, identities, education, Mitú, information and communication technologies, Vaupés


This investigative article looks at the relationship between young students at the María Reina Indigenous Superior Normal School (ENOMISAR, by its Spanish acronym) in Mitú, Vaupés, in Colombia, and the information and communication technologies (ICTs) they interact with. Through a review of the relevant literature, semi-structured interviews, ethnographic studies, and participatory workshops, we critically analyzed several topics. These included: the arrival of state-funded programs meant to broaden digital connectivity in the region, access to ICTs, conflicts around connectivity and identity transformation, and the educational situations that arise out of this conflict. We also suggest the difficulties and potentialities that ICTs bring to the table when it comes to the identity of indigenous youth in Mitú, Vaupés.


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How to Cite
Buelvas Diaz, J. I., Consuegra Díaz-Granados, M. S., Henao Heuta, D. F., López Cuervo, J., Osorio Giraldo, J. J., Pardo Castellanos, L. D., & Peña Gómez, C. (2020). Cardboard keyboards: Technologies, identity, and communication between young students at the ENOMISAR school in Mitú, Vaupés, within Colombia’s Amazon region. Austral Comunicación, 9(2), 635-675.
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