The Typology of City Public Diplomacy

  • Juan Luis Manfredi Sánchez Universidad de Castilla, España
Keywords: public diplomacy, city, management, new powers


City public diplomacy has, in the past decade, become the fastest-growing activity in international political communication. This has been the result of new demographic structures, the transformation of political and economic power, the impact of climate change, and the empowerment of citizens. Cities, as privileged actors in the international arena, influence global affairs, including information infrastructure and technology, tourism, public health, and the fight against climate change. Cities with global aspirations have understood that their value resides in their capacity to leverage power and population, give continuity to public policies, and create symbolic capital via experiences that can be both direct and mediated by culture and communication media. The present study identifies the specific features of urban public diplomacy and its various tools (territory brands, the creation of webs of influence or the protection of intangibles), and examines numerous public diplomacy initiatives from three perspectives: economic development and the internationalization of industry; political representation and influence on global affairs; and language and culture, and their relationship to identity. We conclude that cities, organized as a web, have innovated in the field of public diplomacy, though they may not be at the forefront of this international competition.


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How to Cite
Manfredi Sánchez, J. L. (2019). The Typology of City Public Diplomacy. Austral Comunicación, 8(1), 37-62.