Among intellectuals and experts
A look at American debates on communications media (1940-1950)
This article considers the discussions that part of the United States intelligentsia, in the late 1940s and early 50s, had about the relationship between communications media and society. Specifically, it delves into the theoretical reflections of authors such as Paul Lazarsfeld, Harold Lasswell, Robert Merton, and Gladys and Kurt Lang. Our analysis stems from our exploration of the academic itineraries of the aforementioned authors and their place among American intellectuals. With this as our starting point, we reconstruct three lines of inquiry that, with varying degrees of intensity, preoccupied this group of investigators: processes of cultural democratization, the reach and limits of mass media’s social function, and media’s political influence. By thinking about how the outputs of these authors relate to each other, we can visualize the divergences and nuances within the American communications tradition known as Mass Communication Research.
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