Measuring corporate reputation along the value chain of communication companies: a proposal
In an increasingly competitive context, the need to learn how interest groups assess companies is on the rise. This means that evaluating corporate reputation (CR) is a crucial task for corporate communications. Although there exist various indexes for measuring corporate reputation, none consider the entirety of the value chain, since most sample only a few stakeholders. Additionally, indexes gauging sector reputation or focusing on concrete economic fields are not widely available. This article is a methodological proposal that presents an Index of Corporate Reputation for Communication Companies (ICRCC), constructed after an analysis of existing academic and company indexes. Our methodological approach allowed us to study, in theoretical and corporate contexts, different measurement indexes that employ dimensions and indicators in implementing their evaluation tools, as indexes usually do. The results of our investigation show our ICRCC proposal broken down into these dimensions and indicators. We conclude that each interested party can have a distinct view of corporate reputation. Segmenting evaluations by stakeholders appears to be the most advisable way to then compare perceptions and elaborate differentiated strategies for each interest group. A strategy that means to improve a company’s corporate reputation must identify the intangible brand values that interest groups care about.
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