The relationship between satisfaction with internal communications and organizational commitment

The case of an Ecuadorian university

  • Nicola Wills-Espinosa Universidad Casa Grande, Ecuador
  • María Ileana Cevallos Icaza Universidad Casa Grande, Ecuador
  • Gabriel Sadi Universidad Abierta Interamericana, Argentina
  • Irene Ancin Adell Universidad Espíritu Santo, Ecuador
Keywords: internal communications, organizational commitment, university, Ecuador, satisfaction


This article presents the methodology and results of an ongoing investigation into the relationship between satisfaction with internal communications and organizational commitment in an Ecuadorian university. The investigation has a sequential mixed design and is being carried out in three phases across an initial period of two years (from June 2016 to June 2018). The first and already-completed phase seeks to determine the current relationship between satisfaction with internal communications and organizational commitment via three research questions: What is the degree of satisfaction with internal communications? What is the degree of organizational commitment among employees? What relationship is there between internal communications and organizational commitment? Our final goal is to establish the theoretical groundwork for —and find empirical evidence of— the need for organizations and supervisors to focus their efforts on internal communications, improving the support they receive and having employees identify more strongly with their organizations.


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How to Cite
Wills-Espinosa, N., Cevallos Icaza, M. I., Sadi, G., & Ancin Adell, I. (2017). The relationship between satisfaction with internal communications and organizational commitment: The case of an Ecuadorian university. Austral Comunicación, 6(1), 133-160.
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