Craft beer brands in Spain: neolocalist strategies

  • Fernando García Chamizo ESIC Universtiy- ESIC Business & Marketing School
  • José Manuel López-Agulló Pérez-Caballero ESIC Universtiy- ESIC Business & Marketing School
  • Belén Ávila Rodríguez de Mier ESIC Universtiy- ESIC Business & Marketing School
Keywords: craft beer, territorial brand, sustainability, neolocalism


This paper examines how craft breweries use territoriality and neolocalism to communicate with their audience. It identifies that the craft brewing sector contributes significantly to the Spanish economy and culture, despite present challenges such as the pandemic and the economic impact of global conflicts. Through a qualitative analysis of forty-two breweries, the adoption of marketing strategies related to territoriality is explored, using the name, culture and local language to strengthen brand identity and connection with the consumer. 

The concept of "territorial brand" is central to the sector, where craft breweries, mostly located outside provincial capitals, promote regional and national cultural values. Furthermore, the study shows that territoriality is not only a marketing strategy for large brands but is also adopted by craft breweries to differentiate their products in the market. The study also finds that these breweries use sustainable practices and participate in cultural events to strengthen their community image. 

The digital presence of these breweries is considered crucial, with a particular focus on Instagram, although investment in advertising campaigns is limited. The need for a more structured digital marketing strategy is emphasized to broaden brand awareness and increase interest in the brewery. 

The paper concludes that the Spanish craft beer sector benefits from the marketing strategy based on territoriality and sustainable practices, which fosters a sense of community and local pride. However, the study suggests that there is room for improvement in the visibility and promotion of these breweries in the digital realm. This study provides a representation of the craft brewing sector in Spain, highlighting its potential and the challenges it faces in the contemporary landscape. 


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How to Cite
García Chamizo, F., López-Agulló Pérez-Caballero, J. M., & Ávila Rodríguez de Mier, B. (2024). Craft beer brands in Spain: neolocalist strategies. Austral Comunicación, 13(2), e1308.
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