Media economics and management

Academic schools and developmental periods

  • Juan Pablo Artero Muñoz Universidad de Zaragoza, España
Keywords: media economics, media management, bibliography


Investigation and teaching related to the economic and management aspects of communication have centred on two scientific disciplines: the media economy and the mediabusiness. Presently, the economic and business traditions in media studies have been articulated around two differentiated scientific communities: the critical school and the functional school. This paper expounds upon the historical development of the economy and management of media through the most prominent investigators of its stages of introduction, growth,and maturity. To this end, we consider manuals or monographs of reference produced and disseminated by each of the three traditions: the political economy of communication, the media economy, and the communication business. Finally, we present a brief assessment of the achievements and challenges of the media economics and management as an academic discipline.


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How to Cite
Artero Muñoz, J. P. (2015). Media economics and management: Academic schools and developmental periods. Austral Comunicación, 4(1), 11-40.