Subjectivity in the political language of president Mujica
The construction of his narrative
This article describes a case study initiated in 2012 on the political discourse of president Mujica, which determined his discursive coherence and construction of power. Catherine Kerbrat-Orecchioni’s enunciation theory was applied to five key speeches delivered by the president between 1985 and 2011, and allowed a close examination of his discursive strategies. To this end, a chronology of historical events was established and milestones in his political biography were selected. A general methodology for the analysis of political discourse requires a macro-level theory to define its limits, a mid-level theory to categorize its contents, and a micro-level theory to examine utterances produced in the communicative situation. The need for introducing other methodological tools was identified so as to enrich findings and ensure the accuracy of corpus analysis. Thus, a methodological triangulation was applied encompassing the fields of discourse analysis and political communication, since enunciation theory was insufficient to elucidate the social inscriptions of discourse and merited reinforcement with the contributions of other theorists, such as Eliseo Verón and his characterisation of political discourse, and Mario Riorda and his concept of government myth. The findings obtained from the application of this triangulation would be indicating a clear link between narrative and the construction of power, and justifies the use of the case study method for research of other political discourse corpora.
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