Case Study: Fandango as a Digital Intermediary in the Argentine Audiovisual Industry. Innovation or Thriller?

Keywords: copyright, unfair competition, trademarks, intellectual property management, related rights, customer diversion, intangible assets, antitrust, theatres, cinema, cinematography, audiovisual, business, innovation, intermediation, marketplace, advertising intermediation, digital, big data


This study, through different aspects of intellectual property and antitrust matters, helps us to understand the dynamics, challenges and differences in the innovation management and intangible assets management, that explain the great gap between the different actors in the film industry in Argentina. It analyzes the digital intermediation offered by Fandango selling movie tickets in Argentina at the end of 2019. It serves to understand the limits of competition, when there is commercial good faith and when a strategy, still successful in marketing, becomes unfair to the competing company incurring in a trademark violation and unfair competition, among others.
Although it was carried out in the pre-pandemic, the mandatory isolation accelerated the digital transformation and confirmed the validity of the work that already pointed out the risks and opportunities for the audiovisual industry in full disruption with the emergence of streaming channels and the release of films in simultaneous with movie theaters. At the end of each chapter, it has an agenda of topics to work to improve the management of intangible assets, learn from the experience of the leaders in audiovisual innovation, urging audiovisual actors to understand the benefits and learn about the technological advances available.
It proposes alternatives to satisfy the high expectations of demanding consumers and especially ways to find a collaborative recovery, growth, and expansion of the Argentine audiovisual industry, with so much talent and potential ahead.


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How to Cite
Devoto Borrelli, M. C. (2022). Case Study: Fandango as a Digital Intermediary in the Argentine Audiovisual Industry. Innovation or Thriller? . Revista Iberoamericana De La Propiedad Intelectual, (16), 135-228.