A review of the transmedia narrative universe from the perspective of its constituent elements

storyworlds, multiverses and mixed narratives

Keywords: Transmedia narrative universe, storyworld, transmedia narratives, storytelling, media convergence, multiverse


The evolution of technologies such as augmented reality, virtual environments or the development of artificial intelligence applied to different convergent media is a constant challenge for the conceptualization of terms that have been developing over the last decade from the original theories on media convergence and transmedia narratives. Indeed, definitions of concepts such as storyworld, multiverse or transmedia worlds lead to significant asynchronisms between different interpretations and affect the perception of the concept of transmedia universe and the applied analysis of cases. This asynchronism has accelerated the proliferation of similar terms that occasionally add complexity and confusion to scientific research. To this end, this paper aims to update the term transmedia narrative universe with the aim of delimiting and defining the dimensions that comprise it, as well as proposing a new definition. The method is based on a systematic literature review carried out in the Web of Science Core Collection covering the period 2010-2021 from the perspective of communication, journalism and advertising, applying the filters Communication and Film Radio Television when searching for articles. After analysing the review sample, the results allowed three areas of knowledge around the subject of study to be defined: the creation of stories or storyworlds, mixed narratives, and the essential, cross-disciplinary elements that connect the different transmedia worlds and multiverses. The analysis of the articles has resulted in the identification of some contributions that facilitate the definition of the term. The results make it possible to establish a terminological basis on which to analyse this new concept of transmedia narrative universe in accordance with the development of platforms, multiverses and technical tools with a view to the effects of other fields such as sociology, anthropology and education, among others.


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How to Cite
Freire-Sánchez, A., Vidal-Mestre, M., & Gracia-Mercadé, C. (2023). A review of the transmedia narrative universe from the perspective of its constituent elements: storyworlds, multiverses and mixed narratives. Austral Comunicación, 12(1), 1-28. https://doi.org/10.26422/aucom.2023.1201.frei
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