Political communication and affective computing
an approach to the Ecuadorian second electoral round (2021) from a digital perspective
The article is the result of an investigation that relates the political communication of the Ecuadorian presidential candidates, Guillermo Lasso y Andrés Arauz, for the second round that took place in 2021 with affective computing. Using artificial intelligence tools and social media metrics, it analyzes if those could have caused a favorable impression with the use of their personal image, their physical presence, their gestures, as well as the formation of communities of adherents that helped to consolidate their presence and reputation. It is concluded that the candidates used already known resources, and that affective computing corroborates them, making certain information not yet controlled appear. This leads to the fact that their level of emotional impact on the Internet is still medium, that is, that, although they can be considered micro-influencers, it is due to the political moment experienced during the elections.
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