Anatomy of a transpodcaster
A new type of independent podcast producer
As the podcast establishes itself as a new medium, an increasing number of transpodcasts have emerged. These are transmedia projects that expand the limits of sound to broaden the possibilities of narrative and increase participation, while always keeping podcasts at the center of the experience. In this context — and through a study of independent podcasters in the city of Córdoba, Argentina — this article analyzes a new type of podcast producer, linked to the production of transpodcasts. Our main goal is to describe a group of transpodcast experiences in the aforementioned city and characterize their producers. Through qualitative investigation and ethnographic field work, we were able to obtain relevant data about sound-based transmedia experiences developed during the first semester of 2021 in the capital of the province of Córdoba. Specifically, the study focuses on three podcasts: Parque Podcast, No me grites
producciones, and Una bomba de tiempo. Our approach, and especially our in-depth interviews with the producers of the aforementioned projects, allowed us to identify the main traits of these producers, who are distinct from those profiled in previous studies. Following our analysis, we concluded that the members of the multidisciplinary teams that design and execute transmedia podcasts tend to professionalize their craft and designate at least one coordinator who can look over the entire project. These coordinators adopt the role of a producer or transmedia producer, specifically the new role of a user-producer of a podcast, which, in our contribution to the subject, we are calling a transpodcaster.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Lucas Matías Contreras, David García-Marín, Claudia Gabriela Ardini
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