Discursive representations of democracy in the Catholic press (1989-2011)

Keywords: political discourse, religious discourse, democracy, Catholic press, social representations


Our objective is to address how three Argentine Catholic magazines Cabildo, Criterio, and Nueva Tierra represented the concept of democracy. To do this, we’ll carry out a discursive analysis from a comparative perspective. We are interested in studying the relationship between religion and politics in relation to Catholicism, which we believe is an important social player in Argentine history. In doing this, we want to recognize the political diversity of Catholic media, looking at the strategies the afore mentioned magazines employed to represent the same subject matter. Through the categories of systemic functional linguistics (SFL), we want to characterize and compare the construction of “democracy,” as a discursive object, and the designatory paradigms it integrates. To this end, we have amassed a corpus that comprises the editorials of all three magazines, which, in the context of Presidential elections, problematize the concept of democracy. The discursive analysis of these representations allowed us to see the political diversity within the common ground of Catholic discourse.  


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How to Cite
Tonelli, V. (2022). Discursive representations of democracy in the Catholic press (1989-2011). Austral Comunicación, 11(2), 1-31. https://doi.org/10.26422/aucom.2022.1102.ton
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