Global journalism in the 21st century

Evolution, transformations, and a new operational concept

Keywords: global journalism, international journalism, informational globalization, global crisis, glocalization, informational ethnocentrism


In this theory review, we examine several ideas about so-called “global journalism,” the existence of which is being called into question in some sectors. Our methodology involves the collection and analysis of bibliography and research from the mid-1990s to the present day. We also added case studies to our sample, selected according to a qualitative criteria. These aim to illustrate the many viewpoints held by experts on the concept of “global journalism.” We aim to compare and contrast theories that are often at odds with each other. Our goal is to understand if we can really talk about a new type of innovative journalism, which displays traits that distinguish it from international journalism, or if it is little more than utopian thinking. We also want to understand what changes and transformations global journalism has endured since first being conceived three decades ago. To do this, we will consider the evolution of international relations and the increasing complexity of global events and crises, the effects of which are felt by virtually everyone on the planet. Our conclusions suggest the need to establish a new operational concept of global journalism, more closely aligned with the reality of our times and based on the coverage of global affairs from a transnational perspective, in a manner that is clear and comprehensible for non-specialist audiences and through the use of information sources and collaborative work practices.  


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How to Cite
Benaissa Pedriza, S. (2022). Global journalism in the 21st century: Evolution, transformations, and a new operational concept. Austral Comunicación, 11(2), 1-33.
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