The identification of Argentine and Spanish youths with fictional characters

  • Sebastián Sánchez Castillo Universidad de Valencia, España
  • Gabriela Fabbro de Nazábal Universidad Austral, Argentina
Keywords: audiovisual fiction, character identification, cognitive evaluation, media entertainment, observers, Argentina, Spain


Faced with a dearth of empirical investigations on youth identification with characters from fiction and media entertainment, this study uncovers how this identification acts as an explanatory variable in understanding the enjoyment of audiovisual fiction. To achieve these results, data on university youths in Argentina and Spain have been correlated. Also, cognitive evaluation has been analyzed in order to verify the degree of reflection and cognitive elaboration produced by an episode of the proposed fictional product. This study is relevant for an understanding of audience behavior and response to audiovisual entertainment.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Castillo, S., & Fabbro de Nazábal, G. (2014). The identification of Argentine and Spanish youths with fictional characters. Austral Comunicación, 3(1), 133-147.