Online communication and collaborative work through digital technologies
Although technological developments during the last decade have favored an increase in the number of multiple online training offers facilitating mediated collaborative work, and although the academic literature on the subject appears to agree on the numerous benefits of this sort of pedagogic approach, its implementation is far from frequent and reveals certain difficulties and tensions. The following presentation previews an investigation launched in the context of a thesis for a Master’s Degree in Educational Processes Mediated by Technology from the National University of Córdoba. The general aim of this work is to analyze some of the most relevant characteristics of collaborative dynamics mediated by technology (CDMT) and how these influence expectations about learning on the Web. For this reason, from a qualitative perspective, the expected field study will focus on the analysis of two cases of online education implemented at the postgraduate level during 2011, at the Latin American Social Sciences Institute and at the Center of Advanced Studies at the National University of Córdoba, respectively. This paper will develop a few findings relating to the communicational facets linked to the first categories of analysis that emerge from a study of the CDMT in the aforementioned cases.
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