How Instagram ads impact restaurant sales

The case of MIyagi Sushi in the city of Guayaquil

  • Cristian Lozano Universidad Espíritu Santo
Keywords: Facebook, Facebook ads, Instagram ads, internet advertising, dvertising return on investment, ROI


Social media are no longer just spaces for people to connect with each other. They are also advertising media, where businesses of all stripes can promote themselves and showcase their products and services. During the past few years, Facebook, as a company, has developed a platform that has renewed the very concept of advertising. Our study analyzes the impact of Instagram ads on sales metrics by considering the case of Miyagi Sushi, a sushi delivery service based in Guayaquil, Ecuador. We looked at data from the Facebook Ads platform, homing in on the restaurant’s Instagram ad campaigns between August and November of 2020. In parallel, we also evaluated Miyagi Sushi’s sales during this period. Our goal was to determine if there was a correlation between higher ad spend and increased sales. And our results revealed that, on average, days with more ad spend on Instagram showed an uptick in sales. Via a statistical formula that measures advertising return on investment, we calculated that, for every dollar it put into Instagram advertising, Miyagi Sushi got back 4.61 dollars. Among our concluding remarks, we propose a deeper look at this case, changing some of the analyzed variables to better understand the causal correlation that exists between digital ad spend and sales.  


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How to Cite
Lozano, C. (2021). How Instagram ads impact restaurant sales: The case of MIyagi Sushi in the city of Guayaquil. Austral Comunicación, 10(1), 159-182.
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