Information signs on television during a prolonged state of alarm
The case of Uruguay in the first eight months of the pandemic’s health emergency
In this article, we analyze the informative signs of Uruguayan broadcast television during the period that begins with the declaration of the “sanitary emergency” of March 13th, 2020 and extends until November of this year. We study both the frequent signs used to announce the imminent disaster in media discourse, sprinkled with events that are produced in an epic narrative mode, with a focus on subjective and individual aspects, and also the permanent convergence of the voices of government and media. From this abundant media discourse, we chose to study the government press conferences that were broadcast by a de facto national network, in that period, by means of the theory of “media events” (Dayan y Katz, 1995/1992), although they do not completely fit this concept. Thus we observed that construed as a variation of the “transformative media ceremonies (Dayan y Katz, 1995/1992), these press conferences evoked central myths of modern Uruguay in order to reinforce established values, contribute to the social integration and legitimate the present authorities. This was also the way used to assimilate the new and uncertain events associated with the pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 and with its possible local effects, within the boundaries of the Uruguayan ‘social imaginary’ (Castoriadis, 2013/1975). We also indicate how the discourse manipulation in these press conferences, which adopted the global guidelines produced by the WHO, aimed at fulfilling a transformative function in two stages. This is illustrated through a verbal metaphor used by government, namely, “to move the adjustment knobs”: one can advance or go back in this operation. We conclude that this fluctuation could be located in the kernel of the new social order that the government is trying to impose through the persuasive phrase “new normal”, a contradictory imported slogan in which the voices of politics and the media converged.
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