Esports in Argentina

Incipient industrialization — or zeitgeist?

Keywords: esports, new media, cultural industry, industrialization


Electronic sports (or esports) are a media-cultural phenomenon. And their emergence — at both the global and (in particular) local levels — allows us to examine the industrialization, mediatization, and intermediation of new products of cultural consumption. From this point of view, and via a qualitative methodology, we draw parallels between this and other phenomena, especially YouTubers and influencers, who precede esports almost as family relatives. Our analysis sheds light on certain key aspects of this process, including corporate and entrepreneurial culture, the centrality of structures, the idea of order and hierarchy, and the prevalence of leadership models that move away from the charismatic and towards the legal. In looking at these issues, we see the industrialization of esports as possible evidence for (or an invitation to reflect on) the return of a modern (rather than postmodern) cultural industry — and perhaps even the rise of a new zeitgeist.


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How to Cite
Kohan, A. E. (2021). Esports in Argentina: Incipient industrialization — or zeitgeist?. Austral Comunicación, 10(1), 119-141.
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