Child YouTubers

The use of minors as advertising trendsetters

  • Inmaculada Sánchez-Labella Martín "Universidad de Sevilla"
Keywords: YouTube, Child YouTubers, Brands, Fictional characters, Stereotypes


Taking into account the previously published works by others authors, the aim in this case is twofold. On the one hand, this study pretend to analyze the presence of the brands in the channels of the selected children’s youtubers. On the other hand, and given that none of the previous research have analyzed childish youtubers as minors who, due to their recognition, have ended up becoming characters, this work propose the need to analyze these youtubers from the point of view of their identity and how they have gone from being prosumers to becoming reference characters for those who watch their channels. Applying a qualitative-descriptive methodology, for the first stage of the study, an analysis sheet consisting of twelve indicators has been prepared. This sheet that provide data based on the activity carried out by children in each of their videos, as well as the presence of brands in each one of them. In a second stage, the youtubers analyzed will be subjected to an analysis form the point of view of their iconographic, psychological and sociological dimension, which are special features of the construction of fictional characters. The results obtained demonstrate, on the one hand, that brands are not always present showing products suitable for children, on the other hand, the the youtubers analyzed represent themselves as characters, forging an identity iconographic, psychological and sociological. In some cases, the youtubers represent stereotypes which transmit harmful attitudes and behaviors to children.  


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How to Cite
Sánchez-Labella Martín, I. (2020). Child YouTubers: The use of minors as advertising trendsetters. Austral Comunicación, 9(2), 249-274.
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