Impact and local relevance

Criterias for newsworthiness and prioritized sources of information in crime news reporting in two free-to-air television channels in Cordoba

  • Laura Rosenberg CONICET/UNGS-UNDAV
  • Juan Martín Zanotti Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de San Luis
Keywords: television, crime news, journalistic routines, newsworthiness, sources of information


Communication media are key players in shaping how we relate to the topic of crime. Among them, television stands center stage, being the main producer and distributor of news on this theme. Our article adopts a qualitative approach, reviewing previous work on the subject as well as interviews carried out at two of the three free-to-air channels available in the province of Cordoba (Channel 10, from the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, and Channel 12, owned by Grupo Clarín). In doing so, it analyzes crime and public security contents and the modes of production behind them. Specifically, this article focuses on the criteria employed by journalists when identifying the newsworthiness of criminal incidents and the sources they prioritize in their reporting. To this end, it adopts a comparative view of both free-to-air channels, in which local events guide everyday coverage, something that distinguishes these Cordoba-based channels from other provincial channels headquartered in Buenos Aires. Our review shows similarities and differences in the treatment of crime stories in the surveyed Cordoba-based channels, which also have dissimilar ownership structures.


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How to Cite
Rosenberg, L., & Zanotti, J. M. (2020). Impact and local relevance: Criterias for newsworthiness and prioritized sources of information in crime news reporting in two free-to-air television channels in Cordoba. Austral Comunicación, 9(1), 69-91.
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