Corporate communication strategies in hospitals

  • Pablo Medina Aguerrebere Universidad de Ginebra, Suiza
  • Antonio González Pacanowski Universidad de Alicante, España
Keywords: communication in health, hospital, strategy, brand positioning


Hospitals must rethink their strategic use of institutional communications in a context marked by new information and communication technologies, increased social and media exposure, new patient demands, and rising general public interest in topics related to preventive healthcare and healthy lifestyle choices. Hospital organizations have various ways of carrying out internal and external communications that enable satisfactory relationships with different interest groups, particularly patients and media outlets. Which is why they have adopted a holistic and integral approach that covers all communications (internal, external, and so on) and aims to convey the image of a single brand to stakeholders, all of which helps organizations position themselves strategically in the hospital marketplace.


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How to Cite
Medina Aguerrebere, P., & González Pacanowski, A. (2017). Corporate communication strategies in hospitals. Austral Comunicación, 6(1), 161-180.
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