Keeping one eye on the fish and another on the cat
Brazilian internet users and the cognitive association between corruption, political parties, and private companies (2004-2016)
Corruption is a social phenomenon that generally favors some people over others. Political culture being both the “cause” and “consequence” of corruption, the goal of this article is to identify what factors Brazilian internet users cognitively associate with components of corruption. In other words, we seek to measure how users perceive and symbolically associate corruption and institutions. We designed a quasi-experiment using data from Google Trends to measure interest in corruption, the political sphere, and private companies. Our results demonstrate that: (I) user interest in politicians, political parties, and large companies are, significantly, influenced by interest in the independent variable of Google searches for corruption, although the association is stronger in relation to politicians and parties, and weaker when it comes to private companies; (II) there’s a constant trend, among internet users, towards decreased interest in the “political world,” which we believe could be a secondary effect of growing distrust and political apathy, both observed in Brazil.
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