Public scandals and the management of negative visibility
René Girard’s theoretical contributions
Studies on public scandals have constituted an organized and primarily descriptive field. The proliferation of scandals in the XXI century suggests a need to better understand them from broader theoretical perspectives, such as the cultural anthropology of René Girard. In this paper, we offer an analysis of the mimetic crises resolved through the immolation of scapegoats as a fertile framework to analyze contemporary media scandals. Taking into account Girard’s perspective, we propose a typology of crisis management that includes four possibilities: a) managing controlled symbolic conflict, b) wearing down adversaries by defying the rise of unanimous criticism, c) counterattacking during the scandal, and d) engaging in a ritual response. Each of these “types” is exemplified by current Argentine events linked to political management. Finally, we emphasise the importance of undertaking the management of dissent by understanding social rituals so that communication emerges as a criteria, context, and key tool in the management of crises and public scandals.
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