Values and public discourse

Communication and Christian identity of social and educational institutions in the new cultural context

  • Juan Pablo Cannata Universidad Austral, Argentina
Keywords: political discourse, institutional identity, Catholic church, communication, framework, public debate


One of the characteristic points of the last few years is the consolidation of a new cultural and legal context in which certain values, considered essential by the Catholic church, are now questioned by broad sectors of society. These changes particularly affect social and educational institutions with a Christian identity. This novel situation could be summarized in one question: how to contribute to the common good when the social value of the propositions offered by the Catholic church are put in doubt or simply denied?


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How to Cite
Cannata, J. P. (2014). Values and public discourse: Communication and Christian identity of social and educational institutions in the new cultural context. Austral Comunicación, 3(1), 1-21.