Legal Regulation of the Business Secret in the Cuban Legal Order
The research entitled: Legal regulation of business secrecy in the Cuban legal system, covers a doctrinal analysis of business secrecy as a legal institution. Business secrecy constitutes a highly relevant legal institution insofar as it promotes the development of industry and business by protecting information and knowledge that is not accessible to the public and constitutes an advantageous result in the market. The marked value of an economic-commercial nature that transpires the business secret forges the implementation of legal protection measures. Despite the transformations carried out in Cuba in the area of Intellectual Property, there are still shortcomings in terms of the legal regulation of business secrecy that deserve special attention. The implementation of a norm that substantively regulates the institution with reference to developing norms constitutes a necessity regarding the protection of entrepreneurs and their interests. The issue in question is of great importance in the process of updating the Cuban economic model, as well as the protection of rights within the national industry. In view of this, the general objective is: To substantiate the need for the adequate regulation of business secrecy in the Cuban legal system.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Dayanis María Rodríguez Hernández, Lorenzo Palmero Martín, Kirenia González Bello, Heidy Donis Vieites
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