The (lack of) protection of foreign authors of audiovisual works

  • Aurelio López-Tarruella Martínez Universidad de Alicante
Keywords: audiovisual works, foreign author, territoriality principle, audiovisual contracts, simple remuneration right, collective management organisations


The work analyses the reasons why authors of audiovisual works do not receive an equitable remuneration when their works are exploited in foreign countries. These reasons are the divergences among legislations deriving from the territoriality principle; and the contractual practices of audiovisual producers. The second part of the paper explains the legislative solutions to these problems. First, an assessment is made of the reasons why provisions to protect authors in their contractual relationships are inefficient when the contract turns international. Second, arguments are given to those proposals in favor of the establishment of an inalienable simple remuneration right to audiovisual authors administered by collective management organisations. The work closes with an assessment of the relevant role these organisations play on the protection of foreign audiovisual authors in Latin America.


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How to Cite
López-Tarruella Martínez, A. (2021). The (lack of) protection of foreign authors of audiovisual works. Revista Iberoamericana De La Propiedad Intelectual, (15), 7-37.