Weighting of the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Conflict Resolution for .MX Domain Names in the Alternative and Contentious-Administrative Routes

  • Vanessa Chávez Zárate Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
Keywords: authorities, industrial property, administrative infringement, legal defense, rates


The main objective of this article is to determine the degree of efficiency and effectiveness of the alternative administrative route compared to the contentious-administrative route, in relation to the resolution of conflicts over .MX domain names, and the protection of landmarks and property rights industrial.

To determine the efficiency and effectiveness, that it, the cost, time and achievement of the result, a weighting is made based on the advantages and disadvantages of using the two routes, which have particular characteristics. It allows the comparison and determination of their characteristics is their, theoretical, legal and procedural similarity.

Several theorists have shown that conflict resolution is complex, has a high cost, and at one point a speed in the litigious or jurisdictional way; on the other hand, it is simple, cheap and fast in an alternative way, which is of the utmost importance to study and determine.

The resolution of conflicts over .MX domain names that violate the rights of third parties can be done in different ways. In this case, the alternative or extra-jurisdictional administrative route, through the alternative mechanisms for the resolution of disputes in the field of intellectual property that Mexican legislation indicates and the alternative methods offered by the providers of dispute resolution services, also through of Contentious-administrative or jurisdictional litigation, which is carried out after exhausting a previous route, according with the Federal Law for the Protection of Industrial Property.

The result of the weighting has shown that both routes are efficient and effective, however, one even more than the other, taking into account the characteristics and indicators determined in this article.


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Author Biography

Vanessa Chávez Zárate, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo

Licenciada en Derecho por la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales (FDCS) de la Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (UMSNH, 2012-2017) y maestra en Derecho Administrativo por la Divsión de Estudios de posgrado, FDCS, UMSNH (2018-2020).

Fue docente de educación secundaria, participó en distintos veranos de investigación y como ponente en diversos eventos académicos estatales e internacionales. Fue seleccionada en diversos parlamentos juveniles llevados a cabo en las cámaras legislativas de México y fue ganadora del 6° encuentro de jóvenes investigadores del Estado de Michoacán 2017, por haber presentado una de las 10 mejores investigaciones en el marco del 12° Congreso Estatal de Ciencia y Tecnología, celebrado cada año por el Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Michoacán, con apoyo del Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT). Ganadora de una mención honorífica, en el ámbito académico, en la Condecoración al Mérito Juvenil 2018, otorgada por el H. Ayuntamiento de Morelia, Michoacán, y ganadora del premio Youth Leadership Award 2019, entregado por la Washington Academy of Political Arts & Sciences en la 8° gala anual del Napolitan Victory Awards en Washington, DC, por su trayectoria académica.


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How to Cite
Chávez Zárate, V. (2021). Weighting of the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Conflict Resolution for .MX Domain Names in the Alternative and Contentious-Administrative Routes. Revista Iberoamericana De La Propiedad Intelectual, (14), 7-40. https://doi.org/10.26422/RIPI.2021.1400.cha