Drugs as patentable subject and the setting of COVID-19 in the license of Article 45 of Law 24,481

  • Martín Ugalde Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata
Keywords: COVID-19, drugs patents, compulsory license, right to health


At the beginning of 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a Pandemic. It is not necessary to do an exhaustive analysis to notice the important health, economic and legal consequences that it has had.

In particular, Patent Law plays an important role in this regard, the possibility of a vaccine being patented in the country with the current ordinance of Law No. 24,481 and its amendments, and that the human right of property that the holder has on it, has a strong impact on the incentive to technical and scientific development. A right that cannot be analyzed in isolation, but in the context of the health emergency that is prevailing worldwide today and the public interest in the protection of another human right such as public health.

The aforementioned technical development encouraged by the patent system is part of the interest not only of the legal community, but of society as a whole. In this paper we will analyze the context of the pandemic and Intellectual Property Law, the historical evolution in Argentine legislation regarding the possibility of patenting pharmacological products and procedures, the requirements that the vaccine must meet to be considered patentable matter in terms of the law, the procedure to be followed before the INPI for its patenting, the rights that the law grants to the owner of the vaccine patent and its framing in the Compulsory License in the context of a health emergency of Art. 45 of the Patent Law.


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How to Cite
Ugalde, M. (2020). Drugs as patentable subject and the setting of COVID-19 in the license of Article 45 of Law 24,481. Revista Iberoamericana De La Propiedad Intelectual, (13), 171-205. https://doi.org/10.26422/RIPI.2020.1300.uga