Algorithmic Authorship? Considerations about the Authorship of the Works Generated by Artificial Intelligence

  • Luis Vásquez Leal Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacin
Keywords: authorship, artificial intelligence, algorithms, intellectual property


Technological advances in artificial intelligence are making rethinking the current system of copyright protection. The present research work seeks to carry out an approach to the analysis on who owns the copyright works generated by artificial intelligence. It is discussed whether current legislation allows the so-called algorithmic authorship and the different scenarios involved in determining authorship are evaluated on this type of works. It is debated whether the authorship rests with the programmer, the system user or the person commissioning the work. It is concluded that there is currently no express legal solution and therefore, a regulation must be sought according to the new technological challenges based on the consensus of the different actors that make life in the world of intellectual property.


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Author Biography

Luis Vásquez Leal, Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacin

Abogado. Magíster en Derecho Mercantil. Docente e investigador. 


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How to Cite
Vásquez Leal, L. (2020). Algorithmic Authorship? Considerations about the Authorship of the Works Generated by Artificial Intelligence. Revista Iberoamericana De La Propiedad Intelectual, (13), 207-233.