On the Management of Publicly Funded Scientific Research Data and its Optimization through Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence

Keywords: data management, big data, blockchain, artificial intelligence, intellectual property, copyright


In the traditional context of data management from publicly funded scientific research in Argentina, countless issues arise that, in many cases, result in inefficient and ineffective management. These issues converge in repetitive costs due to the need to conduct multiple investigations that collect the same data; the researchers' fear of alteration of the ownership and/or authorship of the data sets or databases of the investigations they are part of; and the excessive time it takes to make the data available to the scientific community or the public after it has been collected. Based on technological advances and the emergence of new technologies focused on information management, such as blockchain and artificial intelligence, it is necessary to propose an optimization of data management, in order to generate cost savings and redirect funding, while improving and consequently optimizing the results of scientific research, and at the same time consolidating the protection of intellectual property in the vast amount of data that constitutes the big data generated from publicly funded scientific research.


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How to Cite
Romano, J. P. (2024). On the Management of Publicly Funded Scientific Research Data and its Optimization through Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence. Revista Iberoamericana De La Propiedad Intelectual, (21), 167-215. https://doi.org/10.26422/RIPI.2024.2100.rom
Research Articles