To Protect or Not to Protect: The Data Ownership Dilemma
This article addresses the debate on data ownership in the context of the digital economy and the increasing importance of data for technological innovation and economic development. The article analyses the dual nature of data: while data as such is not subject to direct property protection, it can be protected indirectly through intellectual property rights or trade secrets. It also examines the emergence of data ownership theories, driven by legal uncertainties and high transaction costs in the digital economy.
The author presents two perspectives: one arguing for the protection of data under a private property regime, arguing that this would encourage investment and secure exclusive rights for data holders, and another advocating more open access to data, favoring reuse and collective technological advancement. As the volume of data grows and its use in technologies such as artificial intelligence expands, this dilemma becomes increasingly relevant. The article highlights the need for balanced legal frameworks that can navigate these competing interests, ensuring both the protection of rights and the promotion of innovation.
Key words: data ownership, digital economy, technological innovation, economic development, data protection, intellectual property rights, trade secrets, data proprietarization, open access to data, data reuse.
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