Copyright in AI-Generated artworks in the United States. An examination of five current legal cases

Keywords: art, artificial intelligence, jurisprudence, intellectual property


This paper focuses on some leading cases on intellectual property rights, artificial intelligence, authorship and artistic creation. The aim is to explain the current context of artistic creation, particularly regarding the use of digital techniques and methods linked to artificial intelligence, which stress the concepts of originality, work and authorship, and on top of that, the intellectual property law. After that, light will be shed on five current legal cases that involved conflicts around artistic creation, the use of artificial intelligence and intellectual property rights. The contribution of this work is given by drawing on an important issue as artificial intelligence used in practices where human intervention was tradionally the main input, and also to analyse the available responses from the legal system.


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How to Cite
Urtubey, F. (2024). Copyright in AI-Generated artworks in the United States. An examination of five current legal cases. Revista Iberoamericana De La Propiedad Intelectual, (20), 89-119.