Expert witness report and substantial similarity in plagiarism cases
The article analyzes the role of experts in plagiarism cases. Technical experts, summoned by the judge or the parties, must evaluate the similarities between the works in conflict, whatever the genre involved. The expert requires technical skills to support a reasoned opinion that applies the technical and scientific rules of the corresponding discipline. He analyzes the creative process, distinguishing the common elements that cannot be appropriated from those creative expressions of a work that are copied in another. It must establish whether these similarities are due to independent creations or whether it is a matter of appropriation of another’s work, which cannot be justified by chance or accident.
Guidelines are proposed for applying the substantial similarity test, so that the judge can have sufficient information to convict or acquit. The use of specific technical resources is suggested, considering each category of works. At the same time, it is indicated which elements will be relevant to be able to challenge an expert opinion or to establish its validity, considering that the judge cannot arbitrarily deviate from a well-founded opinion that adequately uses the rules of the art.
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