The Originality Required by the Doctrine in Literary Works Examined against Sartrean Ontological and Phenomenological Philosophy

Keywords: originality, phenomenology, apprehension, Sartre, Borges


The objective of this work is to consider various doctrinal sources that postulate a necessary originality in works of art or, specifically, in literary works of art, and to examine how this requirement that does not exist in Argentine regulations is positioned against the essays on ontology and phenomenology by Jean-Paul Sartre. The hypothesis is the following: all literary works are original, therefore there can be no crime of plagiarism. Said hypothesis will lead to consider that every work is original for the reader, therefore there is no crime of plagiarism. The variation seems minor, but it means that every literary work, however similar it may be to another literary work, is original, since the reader creates his own mental image of the entirety of the work read.


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How to Cite
Lukasievicz, J. (2022). The Originality Required by the Doctrine in Literary Works Examined against Sartrean Ontological and Phenomenological Philosophy. Revista Iberoamericana De La Propiedad Intelectual, (17), 113-135.