The Identification and Use of Metadata in Audiovisual Works

Keywords: copyright, related rights, audiovisual works, digital platforms, Berne Convention, WCT, WPPT, collective management organizations, metadata, universal identifiers, watermarks, fingerprints, artificial intelligence, databases, ISAN, EIDR, technological protection measures (TPM), digital rights management (DRM)


    clear               1.082 / 5.000   Resultados de traducción   star_border   Audiovisual works are accessible to the public through various distribution mechanisms, traditionally called “windows”. Initially, the movie theater was the first place where the work was exhibited, to which television was later added. Both channels have established practices regarding the identification of the work, authorized uses and territories, audience or box office, as well as its authors, rights holders and participants, be they directors, screenwriters, producers, actors, musicians or dancers, among others. main. The information for the management of this type of works is highly relevant. In the digital field, multi-platform and multi-territorial exploitation requires new management strategies, which are based on data. This study analyzes how an information system should be consolidated in the digital field, making use of metadata, universal identifiers, watermarks and fingerprints, so that interoperable databases are consolidated for the benefit of all participants and of the public.


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How to Cite
Schötz, G. (2021). The Identification and Use of Metadata in Audiovisual Works. Revista Iberoamericana De La Propiedad Intelectual, (15), 303-416.