A Glance to the Speech of the Artificial Intelligence and the Author's Rights, Analyzed from the Theory of the Personality

  • Pablo Miguel Páez Chaljub Universidad de La Sabana
Keywords: artificial intelligence (AI), autor’s rights, originality, personality, art, appropriation, representation, culture


Artificial intelligence is a phenomenon that has evolved becoming increasingly notable in our society, especially since what has been called the “fourth industrial revolution”, a period in which there has been a great increase of technological inventions. Due to this exponential development, artificial intelligence has taken a relevant role in daily life. One of the ways in which these technologies have become present in our society has been through literary, artistic and scientific creations, which has reopened debates, that had already been closed within the autor’s rights law, over classical figures on this matter. Among these figures, the authorship, originality and, consequently, the ownership of rights stands out.

The answer about the latter has different approaches, which are commonly found in many academic texts, but the purpose of this article is to present a proposal from the philosophical foundations of the author’s rights perspective, especially from the study of the theory of personality , defining it as one of the main theories that justify the existence of normative systems of autor’s rights, in order to determine if the creations produced by this type of technology can be susceptible for a special recognition of rights within our legal system.


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How to Cite
Páez Chaljub, P. M. (2021). A Glance to the Speech of the Artificial Intelligence and the Author’s Rights, Analyzed from the Theory of the Personality. Revista Iberoamericana De La Propiedad Intelectual, (15), 161-198. https://doi.org/10.26422/RIPI.2021.1500.pae