Deepfakes, digital replicas and the future of creative work: challenges and regulatory trends

Keywords: deepfakes, digital replicas, likeness, voice, right of publicity


This article analyzes the impact of deepfakes and digital replicas on the creative sector. It reflects on the creative sector's concerns about the possible replacement of artists by avatars or synthetic characters, as well as the unauthorized use of digital replicas, voices and images of artists for artificial intelligence (AI) training or advertising purposes. Cases are examined to illustrate the legal complexities of protecting voice and likeness from deepfakes and digital replicas. Finally, the article discusses some regulatory trends with an emphasis on the United States and the European Union, as well as other proposals that seek to protect the rights of artists and the future of work in the context of AI. 


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How to Cite
Azuaje Pirela, M. (2024). Deepfakes, digital replicas and the future of creative work: challenges and regulatory trends. Revista Iberoamericana De La Propiedad Intelectual, (21), 105-133. Retrieved from
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