Certification of Artificial Intelligence Systems through European Union Certification Marks: A Comprehensive and Secure Proposal

Keywords: certification, artificial intelligence, certification marks, ethics, copyright, fundamental rights, AI regulation, European Union


This article presents an innovative strategy for certifying Artificial Intelligence (AI) models in the European Union through certification marks, highlighting their role in the pre-sale and post-sale control of AI systems. Objective: To offer a comprehensive and secure solution that guarantees ethics, quality, and the protection of fundamental rights for consumers and creators, in line with Regulation (EU) 2024/1689 on AI. Method: The analysis focuses on the fundamental principles of certification marks and compares this proposal with traditional conformity marks. The technical and ethical standards set by the regulation for controlling AI systems are reviewed, emphasizing the importance of independent and reliable certification at all stages of the lifecycle. Additionally, risks related to copyright violations by AI systems are addressed, and ethical standards and best practices for their implementation are proposed. Results: The unique advantages of certification through the European Union’s certification marks are highlighted, as well as their ability to establish effective controls that strengthen trust and compliance with ethical standards. Conclusion: The proposal offers a robust and complementary solution to the European regulatory framework, providing an effective tool for addressing the ethical and legal challenges associated with AI.


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Author Biographies

Astrid Uzcátegui Angulo, Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela

Lawyer, specialist in Intellectual Property, Master's degree in Law, and Doctor of Law in the area of International Relations from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianópolis (SC), Brazil. Full Professor of undergraduate and graduate studies at the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences of the University of the Andes (ULA). Nationally recognized researcher by the Research Promotion Program of the National Observatory of Science, Technology and Innovation, Venezuela, and by the Council of Scientific, Humanistic, and Technological Development (CDCHT) of ULA. Founding researcher and head of the Research Group on Intellectual Property Public Policies (G3PI) attached to the Center for Political and Social Studies of Latin America (CEPSAL) at ULA. Founder and General Director of the Unit for the Management of Intangibles (UGIULA) and Founder, Director, and Researcher at the Intellectual Property Research Center of the University of the Andes (ULA). Former coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Intellectual Property at ULA. Author of works, book chapters, and peer-reviewed scientific articles; editor and compiler of collective works, member of the academic committee for works in the area of Intellectual and Industrial Property, and former director of the scientific journal "Intellectual Property" of ULA. National and international speaker on topics of Commercial Law and Intellectual and Industrial Property. Corresponding Member of the State Academy of Mérida, Venezuela, in the fields of Arts, Letters, Humanities, and Social Sciences.

Francklin Rivas Echeverria, Computer Science and Engineering Department, University of Texas at Arlington

He has a primary line of research and development in the applications of Artificial Intelligence in various fields, including oil and gas, health, finance, and education. He has been recognized as one of the 100 most successful managers in Venezuela, named a Senior Member of the IEEE, and recognized as "Outstanding Teacher" by the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María in Chile. He received the "Outstanding Leadership Award" at the Internet 2.0 Conference (USA, 2023), recognition from Halliburton for "contribution and dedication to the development of oil technology," and the Bicentennial Distinction from the Universidad de Los Andes (Venezuela, 2023). He was awarded the "Magna Distinction: Recognition for Academic Excellence in the category of best professor in master's programs" by the Universidad de El Salvador (2024) and the "Visionary Award" at the Internet 2.0 Conference (Dubai, 2024). He is the author of over 300 scientific publications, 19 books, and serves as an advisor to various oil companies and the United Nations, among others. He holds a degree in Systems Engineering, a Master's in Control and Automation, and a PhD in Applied Sciences (Artificial Intelligence). He is also a lawyer with honors and recently completed another postgraduate degree in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (Purdue University, 2023). He has served as president of several international consortia and is a board member of various organizations and scientific committees. He is an active professor and researcher at the University of Texas at Arlington, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ibarra, and Chief Research Officer at Kauel Inc. (USA). He is a retired professor from the Universidad de Los Andes (Venezuela), a professor at MIU City University Miami, and Executive Director of the Diploma in Data Science at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (Chile). He was a professor and Acting Dean at Yachay Tech (2022-2023).

Antonio D´Jesús-Pérez, Universidad Central de Venezuela

WORK EXPERIENCE. Legal consultant for public and private institutions, as well as in private practice since 1993. Intellectual Property Consultant at De Sola Pate & Brow (2023). Director of D’Jesús Abogados (www.djesusabogados.com), a boutique law firm specializing in intellectual property, cultural legislation, and entertainment (2017-2023). General Director of EGEDA - Venezuela, collective management entity for the copyright of audiovisual producers (2015-2023). Founding member of the Venezuelan Academy of Cinematography (2017-2024). Legal advisor to the Venezuelan Chamber of Books - CAVELIBRO - (2012-2022). Legal advisor to the Subscription Television Chamber - ASOCABLE - (2000-2022). Legal advisor to the Venezuelan Chamber of Feature Film Producers - CAVEPROL - (2008-2024); External legal advisor to the Central Bank of Venezuela (2012-2019) in intellectual property; External legal advisor in intellectual property for the independent film distributor Gran Cine (2017-2024); Director of the Permanent Culture and Recreation Commission of the National Assembly (2016/Jan-2018/Aug); Associate lawyer at Front Law Firm - Venezuela in intellectual property (1998-2015); External legal advisor in intellectual property for the Autonomous Institute Teatro Teresa Carreño (2000-2008); External legal advisor to the National Council of Culture - CONAC - in cultural legislation and intellectual property (2002-2005); Legal advisor to the Venezuelan Chapter of the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry - IFPI - based in London (2000-2001); Legal advisor to the Venezuelan Association of Collective Management of Performing Artists and Phonographic Producers - AVINPRO - (1999-2001); First Substitute of the 18th Prosecutor's Office of the National Public Ministry in the field of Intellectual Property (1999-2004); Assistant to the General Director of the Autonomous Intellectual Property Service - SAPI - (1999); Coordinator of the Inspection and Supervision Area of the National Directorate of Copyright - DNDA - attached to the Autonomous Intellectual Property Service - SAPI - (1997-99); External lawyer for the Andean Bank of Venezuela C.A., Mérida (1994-1997); and, External lawyer for the Agricultural and Livestock Credit Institute, Mérida (1994-1996). Practicing law at the D’Jesús Maldonado & Associates Law Firm, 1993-1999 (Mérida).


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How to Cite
Uzcátegui Angulo, A., Rivas Echeverria, F., & D´Jesús-PérezA. (2024). Certification of Artificial Intelligence Systems through European Union Certification Marks: A Comprehensive and Secure Proposal. Revista Iberoamericana De La Propiedad Intelectual, (21), 217-267. https://doi.org/10.26422/RIPI.2024.2100.uzc
Research Articles