Certification of Artificial Intelligence Systems through European Union Certification Marks: A Comprehensive and Secure Proposal
This article presents an innovative strategy for certifying Artificial Intelligence (AI) models in the European Union through certification marks, highlighting their role in the pre-sale and post-sale control of AI systems. Objective: To offer a comprehensive and secure solution that guarantees ethics, quality, and the protection of fundamental rights for consumers and creators, in line with Regulation (EU) 2024/1689 on AI. Method: The analysis focuses on the fundamental principles of certification marks and compares this proposal with traditional conformity marks. The technical and ethical standards set by the regulation for controlling AI systems are reviewed, emphasizing the importance of independent and reliable certification at all stages of the lifecycle. Additionally, risks related to copyright violations by AI systems are addressed, and ethical standards and best practices for their implementation are proposed. Results: The unique advantages of certification through the European Union’s certification marks are highlighted, as well as their ability to establish effective controls that strengthen trust and compliance with ethical standards. Conclusion: The proposal offers a robust and complementary solution to the European regulatory framework, providing an effective tool for addressing the ethical and legal challenges associated with AI.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Astrid Uzcátegui Angulo, Francklin Rivas Echeverria, Antonio D´Jesús-Pérez

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