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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submitted file is in Microsoft Word. Images are high resolution and in TIF, PNG, AI, PS. Tables and graphs are in Microsoft Excel.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is written in Times New Roman 12, with 1.5 line spacing; all illustrations, figures and tables are properly located in the text and also attached in a different file.
  • The text meets all style and literature requirements summarized in the Guidelines to the Authors, which are included in the About the Magazine section.
  • The title, summary and key words are in Spanish, Portuguese and English.
  • The author has carefully read the information about the terms and conditions of the Copyright User License included in this page as well as their automatic acceptance caused by the submission of the works to be published upon creation of a user and password in the system.
  • The author has deleted his/her name from the text and has avoided any self-reference.
  • The author has removed ownership personal identifications from the Microsoft Office file.

Author Guidelines

Reception dates for the works are:

             For the  June issue: Up to April 15.
             For the  December issue: Up to October 15.

All works will meet the following guidelines without exception. Any work that does not meet the editorial recommendations will be returned for adjustment before submission to the Editorial Board for review.

Original works will be completed when submitted for publication; no amendments may be introduced unless they are duly justified and authorized by the Editorial Board.  Authors are recommended to read and review the text, particularly focusing on its writing and syntax, and to check bibliographic data, and the spelling of names and acronyms.


General Instructions

Electronic works will be accepted in Microsoft Word format (no PDF files will be accepted).

Articles must be original and unpublished, and written in Spanish. Articles must include: the title of the work, 4 to 8 key words and a 200-300-word summary in Spanish, Portuguese and English. Articles must not include the author’s name or signature so that the works remain anonymized during the entire review process.

Moreover, the authors? personal data, institutional belonging, brief CV (up to ten-line long) and email address will be attached separately.

Works will be received through the Open Journal System, which may be accessed through this portal. The submission must meet all system requirements.

To ensure the reliability of the submission peer reviews, all efforts will be made to prevent the authors from knowing the identity of reviewers and vice versa. To this effect, compliance with the following steps will be checked in relation with the text and file properties.
* The document authors have deleted their names from the text and have avoided any self-reference.
* In Microsoft Office documents, the author identification will also be deleted from the file properties by clicking on the following options. Click on File in the Microsoft application Main Menu: File > Save as > Tools (or Options in Mac) >Security > Delete personal information from file properties when saving > Save.



Original and unpublished research articles related to the Industrial and intellectual property law branch will be published, provided they significantly contribute to the development of this topic by offering criteria for law analysis and interpretation that are valid and useful to readers.

Articles on the following topics will be accepted:

- Copyright

- Trademark and patent law

- Transfer and protection of confidential information and know-how

- Industrial and intellectual property related contracts

 Articles will be written to be published in one of the four RIPI sections:

        a) Doctrine
        b) Research        
        c) Commented Jurisprudence
        d) Commented Legislation

The Doctrine section includes articles by Latin American authors with a Science of Law approach. The articles in this section refer to topics that are novel or analyzed with a new approach.

Length: 20 to 40 pages, i.e., 9,000-18,000 words (considering approximately 450 words per page).

For guidance purposes, the articles should have the following structure:

- Introduction
- Body
- Conclusions
- Cited Literature
- Cited laws and jurisprudence
- Annexes and/or appendices

The Research section presents reports, of a certain length, made from consultancies, studies, statistical reports or thesis work, not necessarily legal. They are not required to be unpublished and can be the result of work required by international organizations, public organizations or research centers. It can be interdisciplinary work. If necessary, they should be adapted to follow the same citation guidelines required in the Doctrine section.

Length: there is no limit of lenght.

Articles must include: the title of the work, 8 to 10 key words and a 200-300-word summary in Spanish, Portuguese and English; bibliography.

The Commented Jurisprudence section includes a specialist analysis of the Intellectual Property Law which identifies the most relevant rulings from national and international courts.

Length: 4 to 20 pages, i.e., 1800-9000 words (considering approximately 450 words per page).

The Commented Legislation section presents the most relevant regulatory changes in the region. 

Length: 4 to 20 pages, i.e., 1800-9000 words (considering approximately 450 words per page).



The works submitted will meet the following RIPI style guidelines:

* Format
 A4 Size with  25 cm margins at both sides.

* Font:
Title: Times New Roman 14, bold type, 1.5 line spacing. Text: Times New Roman 12, 1.5-line spacing.

Exact quotes of more than 40 words: Times New Roman 10, 1.5-line spacing.

Footnotes: Times New Roman 10, 1.5-line spacing.

Subtitles (all): Times New Roman 12, bold type, 1.5 line spacing.
Numbering Style: Correlative in Arabic numerals (Roman numerals are not accepted).

* Justification
Both the text and titles must be left-justified with no indentation or tabs. No spaces must be left between paragraphs.

Exact quotes of more than 40 words must be in a different paragraph with a 1.5 indentation of the entire paragraph.

* The diacritical marks in each language must be respected (dieresis, accents, etc.), even in upper case texts. * Phrases must not start with abbreviations or gerunds.

* All images (photographs, tables, illustrations, graphs, etc.) must be quoted in the text, e.g.: (Graph 1) (Table 4).

* All extracts, phrases or words written in a foreign language must be typed in italics. Exception: geographical names; names of entities, bodies, institutions, corporations, etc.; titles of agreements, pacts or treaties, etc.

* References to footnotes are indicated in consecutive superscript Arabic numerals and, when applicable, after punctuation marks. For example: ,3

* The work body must not be underlined nor include bold type. If any word needs to be highlighted, double quotes will be used.

* Abbreviations
A space will be left following all punctuation marks: A. L. Jiménez (nor  A.L. Jiménez).

Acronyms must be written in upper case and with no punctuation marks. For example: UBA (stands for University of Buenos Aires).

* Tables, charts and graphs:
May be generated in Excel or Power Point format, as required, and pasted on the Word file as an image. Moreover, the original Excel or Power Point file must be attached to allow for any required correction.

* Illustrations, maps, photographs, drawings:
Must be pasted on the Word file and submitted in a separate document in any of the following formats: High resolution JPG, TIF, PNG, AI, PS.


Quotes and Literature

For quotes and literature references, the RJA follows the guidelines of the APA (American Psychological Association) 7tha edition. The following examples should be followed:


References to authors must be embedded in the text and footnote: (Bianchi, 2005).

If two authors are cited, both last names are included: (Marcus & Perry, 1985).

If the quote refers to three or more authors, the first last name is written, followed by the term "et al.":
 (Álvarez et al., 2015).

Exact quotes of up to 40 words are written between inverted commas and without using italics:

            Therefore, advisory opinions play a critical role in the development of international human right law principles
            since, as mentioned by  Buergenthal (1985), “they seem to adapt better to the articulation of general legal
            principles than contentious cases.”  (p. 18)

Exact quotes of more than 40 words must be in a different paragraph with a 1.5 indentation and without inverted commas or italics.

            After assuming the right not to apply anti-constitutional laws, the Supreme Court adopted such a moderate
            position that it did not reject any law for over half a century. This happened in 1857, in another famous case: 
            Dred Scott v. Sanford. (Bidegain, 1994, p. 127)

If any exact quote taken from a digital work does not have the page number identified, the paragraph number must be identified:

            Notice that a government might  – in a procedural law, which may be passed by simple
            majority – group all the judges that may be disturbing ans assign them to a secondary chamber,
            and assign more favorable judges to a  more central chamber with more participation
            possibilities. (Arballo, 2014, par. 9)           

Exact quotes in foreign languages must be between inverted commas and without italics.

Authors are recommended to avoid self-references, i.e., citing themselves in the article body.


Authors will be listed in alphabetical order and in chronological order when different works by the same author are quoted. Should there be more than one wok by the same author with the same date, they must be identified by adding a lower case letter, such as: (2006a), (2006b).

Should there be works without a specified date, the following must be included: (n.d.).

Should there be two or more works by the same author without a specified date, the following must be included: (n.d.-a), (n.d.-b).

The following style is recommended:

* Printed book

            Last Name, N. (year) Work Title. Publishing Company

* Online book

            Last Name, N. and Last Name, N. (year). Book Title. Publishing Company.
            Last Name, N. and Last Name, N. (year). Book Title. Publishing Company.

* Book with editor, coordinator, director

            Last Name, N. (Publ.) (year). Work Title. Publishing Company
            Last Name, N. and Last Name, N. (Coords.) (year). Work Title. Publishing Company

* Book chapter

            Last Name, N. (year) Chapter or Entry Title In Last Name, N. (Publ.), Book title (Chapter beginning-end pages).
            Publishing Company.
            Last Name, N. (year). Chapter or Entry Title In Last Name, N. (Publ.), Book title (xx publisher, Vol. xx, chapter beginning-end pages). Publishing Company.

 * Article in magazine

            Last Name, N. (year). Article Title. Magazine NameVolume(number), page numbers xx-xx.
            Last Name, N. (year). Article title. Magazine NameVolume(number), page numbers xx-xx.
            Last Name, N. (year). Article Title. Magazine NameVolume(number), page numbers xx-xx.

* Works by unidentified authors

            Work Title. (year). Source.

* Newspaper Article

            Last Name, N. (day, month, year). Article Title. Newspaper Name, page number.
            Last Name, N. (day, month, year). Article Title. Newspaper Name.

* Newspaper article by unidentified author

            Article title. (day, month, year). Newspaper Name, page number.
            Article title. (day, month, year). Newspaper Name.

* Dictionaries or encyclopedias

            Author or Editor’s Last Name, N. (Publisher, when he/she is the editor). (Year). Dictionary or Encyclopedia Name (xx publisher, Vol. xx).
            Publishing Company.

*Thesis and doctoral thesis

            Last Name, N. (year). Thesis Title (Graduate, Master’s or Doctoral Thesis). Name of the institution, City.
            Last Name, N. (year). Thesis Title (Graduate, Master’s or Doctoral Thesis). Name of the institution, City.

* Reference to websites

            Last Name, N. (year). Website Name.
            Last Name, N. (year). Article title. Website Name.
            Website or Institution Name. (year). Article title.

* Undated references to websites

            Last Name, N. (n.d.) Website Name.
            Last Name, N. (n.d.) Article title. Website Name.
            Website or Institution Name. (n.d.). Article title.

* Presentations and lectures

            Last Name, N. (year). Presentation or Lecture Title. Name of the Seminar or Symposium where the presentation of lecture took place.
            City, Country, Date.

 *Institution reports

            Full institution name. (year). Report title. Publishing Company.
            Full institution name. (year). Report title.


Law and Jurisprudence Quotes

References to law and jurisprudence will be placed in a footnote (when quoted in the text) or after the Bibliography, according to the following classification:


* International regulations (agreements, covenants, statements)

* Community regulations

* Laws ratifying international treaties

* Constitutions

* Codes

* Laws

* Decrees

* Resolutions

* Provisions

            Constitution of Argentina.
            Constitution of Argentina, Article 75, Section 2 (or 75.2)
                      Law 11723.
                      Intellectual Property Law 11723, OG 30/09/1933.
                      Intellectual Property Law 11723, OG 30/09/1933, Article 5.
                      Decree 245/2002.
                      Decree 245/2002, OG 28/11/2002, Article 5.
                      Resolution 2030/2015.
                      Resolution 2030/2015, OG12/06/2015, Article 1.
                      Provision 306/2015.
                      Provision 306/2015, OG 28/05/2015.


Supreme Court of LJustice (National, Provincial, International

* International Courts

* Inter-American System Courts


            National Supreme Court of Justice, Fernández Arias c/Poggio, 19/09/1960, Judgements: 247:646.

            Buenos Aires Supreme Court of Justice, Vasena Marengo, José Francisco y otra c/Rodríguez, Jorge Mario
           and other
, 28/09/2004.

            National Court of Criminal Cassation: Di Plácido, Jorge Alberto, 22/5/2014, [FBB/7963/2013/CFC1, Record 864/14].

            United States Supreme Court, Wood v. Milyard, 566 U.S. 463 (2012).

            North Carolina Supreme Court, Bayard v. Singleton, 1 N.C. 5 (1787).

            Constitutional Court Ruling, 83/2016, April 28. [Spain]

            Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Almonacid Arellano and others vs.  Chile, Preliminary Exceptions,
            Merits, Reparations and Costs, 26/09/2006, Series C, # 154.

            Judgements: 329:2316

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